Found 570 verses by tag "mukjizat al qur'an"

وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلًا

29. And olive and palm trees

وَحَدَائِقَ غُلْبًا

30. And gardens of dense shrubbery

وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبًّا

31. And fruit and grass -

مَتَاعًا لَكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ

32. [As] enjoyment for you and your grazing livestock.

إِذَا الشَّمْسُ كُوِّرَتْ

1. When the sun is wrapped up [in darkness]

وَإِذَا النُّجُومُ انْكَدَرَتْ

2. And when the stars fall, dispersing,

وَإِذَا الْجِبَالُ سُيِّرَتْ

3. And when the mountains are removed

وَإِذَا الْعِشَارُ عُطِّلَتْ

4. And when full-term she-camels are neglected

وَإِذَا الْوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتْ

5. And when the wild beasts are gathered

وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتْ

6. And when the seas are filled with flame