Surah Al-Israa Verse 25

رَبُّكُمْ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا فِي نُفُوسِكُمْ ۚ إِنْ تَكُونُوا صَالِحِينَ فَإِنَّهُ كَانَ لِلْأَوَّابِينَ غَفُورًا

Your Lord is most knowing of what is within yourselves. If you should be righteous [in intention] - then indeed He is ever, to the often returning [to Him], Forgiving.

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رَّبُّكُمْ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا فِى نُفُوسِكُمْ إِن تَكُونُواْ صَـلِحِينَ فَإِنَّهُ كَانَ لِلاٌّوَّابِينَ غَفُوراً

(25. Your Lord knows best what is in your souls. If you are righteous, then, verily, He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him in repentance.)

Omissions comitted against Parents are pardoned with Good Relations and Repentance

Sa`id bin Jubayr said: "This refers to a man who said something that he did not think would be offensive to his parents.'' According to another report: "He did not mean anything bad by that.'' So Allah said:

رَّبُّكُمْ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا فِى نُفُوسِكُمْ إِن تَكُونُواْ صَـلِحِينَ

(Your Lord knows best what is in your souls. If you are righteous,)

فَإِنَّهُ كَانَ لِلاٌّوَّابِينَ غَفُوراً

(He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him in repentance.) Qatadah said: "To the obedient who pray.''

فَإِنَّهُ كَانَ لِلاٌّوَّابِينَ غَفُوراً

(He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him in repentance.) Shu`bah narrated from Yahya bin Sa`id from Sa`id bin Al-Musayyib; "This refers to those who commit sin then repent, and commit sin then repent.'' `Ata' bin Yasar, Sa`id bin Jubayr and Mujahid said: "They are the ones who return to goodness.'' Mujahid narrated from `Ubayd bin `Umayr, concerning this Ayah: "This is the one who, when he remembers his sin when he is alone, he seeks the forgiveness of Allah.'' Mujahid agreed with him on that. Ibn Jarir said: "The best view on this matter is of those who said that it refers to the one who repents after committing sin, who comes back from disobedience to obedience and who leaves that which Allah hates for that which He loves and is pleased with. '' What he said is correct, for Allah says,

إِنَّ إِلَيْنَآ إِيَابَهُمْ

(Verily, to Us will be their return) (88:25). And according to a Sahih Hadith, the Messenger of Allah would say when he returned from a journey,

«آيِبُونَ تَائِبُونَ، عَابِدُونَ لِرَبِّنَا حَامِدُون»

(We have returned repenting, worshipping and praising our Lord.)

Anda harus untuk dapat menambahkan tafsir


Submit : 2015-04-01 02:13:31
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Berupa menyembunyikan rasa berbakti atau tidak, dan perkara yang baik atau yang buruk. Dia tidak memperhatikan rupamu, akan tetapi memperhatikan hati dan amalmu.

Yakni taat kepada Allah, atau harapanmu adalah keridhaan Allah serta perhatianmu tertuju kepada hal yang dapat mendekatkan dirimu kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala dan memasukkanmu ke dalam surga-Nya.

Yakni orang yang banyak kembali kepada Allah di setiap waktu. Dia mengampuni sikap kurang mereka dalam memenuhi hak kedua orang tua, seperti sikap kurang sabar, dsb. yang timbul dari tabi’at kemanusiaan. Demikian pula mengampuni perkara-perkara kurang baik yang terkadang timbul selama tidak terus menerus.