Surah Al-Anfaal Verse 27

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَخُونُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ

O you who have believed, do not betray Allah and the Messenger or betray your trusts while you know [the consequence].

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(O ye who believe! Betray not Allah and His messenger…) [8:27]. This verse was revealed about AbuLubabah ibn ‘Abd al-Mundhir al-Ansari. What happened is that the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him andgive him peace, besieged the Jews of Banu Qurayzah for 21 nights when they requested peace from theMessenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, on the same terms that their brothers from Banu’l-Nadir had secured before, i.e. that they join their brothers in Adhri‘at and Jericho in Syria. But he refused togrant it to them and insisted that they submit to the judgment of Sa‘d ibn Mu‘adh. They refused to do soand said: “Send us Abu Lubabah, instead”. Abu Lubabah was loyal to them, for his property, wife andchildren were with them. When the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, sent him tothem, they said to him: “O Abu Lubabah, what do you think we should do? Should we accept the judgmentof Sa‘d ibn Mu‘adh?” Abu Lubabah made a gesture to his throat, i.e. that they should not do it, for they willbe slaughtered. Abu Lubabah said: “I straightaway realised that I had betrayed Allah and His Messenger”.And then this verse was revealed about him. When the verse was revealed, Abu Lubabah tied himself to oneof the columns of the mosques and said: “By Allah, I will not taste food or drink until Allah relents on me orI die”. He remained in this state for seven days, neither eating nor drinking, until Allah, exalted is He,relented on him. When it was said to him: “O Abu Lubabah! You have been pardoned”, he said: “By Allah, Iwill not untie myself; I want the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, to untie me”. TheProphet went and untied him with his own hands. Abu Lubabah then said: “The completion of myrepentance requires that I migrate from the abode of my people where I had committed the sin and that Ilet go of my property”. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said to him: “It isenough that you give a third of it to charity”.

يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لاَ تَخُونُواْ اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ وَتَخُونُواْ أَمَـنَـتِكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ - وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَآ أَمْوَلُكُمْ وَأَوْلَـدُكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ عِندَهُ أَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ

(27. O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat (things entrusted to you)). (28. And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely, with Allah is a mighty reward.)

Reason behind revealing This Ayah, and the prohibition of Betrayal

The Two Sahihs mention the story of Hatib bin Abi Balta`ah. In the year of the victory of Makkah he wrote to the Quraysh alerting them that the Messenger of Allah intended to march towards them. Allah informed His Messenger of this, and he sent a Companion to retrieve the letter that Hatib sent, and then he summoned him. He admitted to what he did. `Umar bin Al-Khattab stood up and said, "O Allah's Messenger! Should I cut off his head, for he has betrayed Allah, His Messenger and the believers'' The Prophet said,

«دَعْهُ فَإِنَّهُ قَدْ شَهِدَ بَدْرًا، وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ لَعَلَّ اللهَ اطَّلَعَ عَلَى أَهْلِ بَدْرٍ فَقَالَ: اعْمَلُوا مَا شِئْتُمْ فَقَدْ غَفَرْتُ لَكُم»

(Leave him! He participated in Badr. How do you know that Allah has not looked at those who participated in Badr and said, Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven you.) However, it appears that this Ayah is more general, even if it was revealed about a specific incident. Such rulings are dealt with by their indications, not the specific reasons behind revealing them, according to the majority of scholars. Betrayal includes both minor and major sins, as well those that affect others. `Ali bin Abi Talhah said that Ibn `Abbas commented on the Ayah,

وَتَخُونُواْ أَمَـنَـتِكُمْ

(nor betray your Amanat) "The Amanah refers to the actions that Allah has entrusted the servants with, such as and including what He ordained. Therefore, Allah says here,

لاَ تَخُونُواْ

(nor betray...), `do not abandon the obligations.''' `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd commented, "Allah forbade you from betraying Him and His Messenger, as hypocrites do.'' Allah said,

وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَآ أَمْوَلُكُمْ وَأَوْلَـدُكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ

(And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial.) from Him to you. He grants these to you so that He knows which of you will be grateful and obedient to Him, or become busy with and dedicated to them instead of Him. Allah said in another Ayah,

إِنَّمَآ أَمْوَلُكُمْ وَأَوْلَـدُكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ وَاللَّهُ عِنْدَهُ أَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ

(Your wealth and your children are only a trial, whereas Allah! With Him is a great reward.) 64:15,

وَنَبْلُوكُم بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً

(And We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good.) 21:35,

يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لاَ تُلْهِكُمْ أَمْوَلُكُمْ وَلاَ أَوْلَـدُكُمْ عَن ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْخَـسِرُونَ

(O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers.)63:9, and,

يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ إِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَجِكُمْ وَأَوْلـدِكُمْ عَدُوّاً لَّكُمْ فَاحْذَرُوهُمْ

(O you who believe! Verily, among your wives and your children there are enemies for you (who may stop you from the obedience of Allah); therefore beware of them!) 64:14 Allah said next,

وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ عِندَهُ أَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ

(And that surely with Allah is a mighty reward.) Therefore, Allah's reward, favor and Paradise are better for you than wealth and children. Certainly, among the wealth and children there might be enemies for you and much of them avail nothing. With Allah alone is the decision and sovereignty in this life and the Hereafter, and He gives tremendous rewards on the Day of Resurrection. In the Sahih, there is a Hadith in which the Messenger of Allah said,

«ثَلَاثٌ مَنْ كُنَّ فِيهِ، وَجَدَ بِهِنَّ حَلَاوَةَ الْإِيمَانِ: مَنْ كَانَ اللهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِمَّا سِوَاهُمَا، وَمَنْ كَانَ يُحِبُّ الْمَرْءَ لَا يُحِبُّهُ إِلَّا للهِ، وَمَنْ كَانَ أَنْ يُلْقَى فِي النَّارِ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ أَنْ يَرْجِعَ إِلَى الْكُفْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ أَنْقَذَهُ اللهُ مِنْه»

(There are three qualities for which whomever has them, he will have tasted the sweetness of faith. (They are:) whoever Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him than anyone else, whoever loves a person for Allah's sake alone, and whoever prefers to be thrown in fire rather than revert to disbelief, after Allah has saved him from it.) Therefore, loving the Messenger of Allah comes before loving children, wealth and oneself. In the Sahih, it is confirmed that he said,

«وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى أَكُونَ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ وَأَهْلِهِ وَمَالِهِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِين»

(By He in Whose Hand is my soul! None of you will have faith unless I become dearer to him than himself, his family, his wealth and all people.)

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Submit : 2015-04-01 02:13:31
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Dalam ayat ini, Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala memerintahkan kepada kaum mukmin agar mereka menjalankan amanah Allah yang telah diamanahkan kepada mereka berupa mengerjakan perintah dan menjauhi larangan, di mana amanah tersebut sebelumnya telah ditawarkan kepada langit, bumi, dan gunung namun mereka semua enggan menerimanya dan khawatir tidak mampu menjalankannya, lalu manusia merasa mampu memikulnya, maka dipikullah amanah itu oleh manusia. Barang siapa yang menjalankan amanah itu, maka ia berhak mendapatkan pahala yang besar dari Allah, sebaliknya barang siapa yang tidak menjalankannya, maka ia berhak memperoleh azab yang keras dan menjadi orang yang mengkhianati Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta mengkhianati amanahnya.

Yakni mengetahui bahwa amanah itu wajib ditunaikan.