Found 2098 verses by tag "beriman pada allah ta'ala"

وَخَلَقْنَاكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا

8. And We created you in pairs

وَجَعَلْنَا اللَّيْلَ لِبَاسًا

10. And made the night as clothing

وَجَعَلْنَا النَّهَارَ مَعَاشًا

11. And made the day for livelihood

وَبَنَيْنَا فَوْقَكُمْ سَبْعًا شِدَادًا

12. And constructed above you seven strong [heavens]

وَجَعَلْنَا سِرَاجًا وَهَّاجًا

13. And made [therein] a burning lamp

وَأَنْزَلْنَا مِنَ الْمُعْصِرَاتِ مَاءً ثَجَّاجًا

14. And sent down, from the rain clouds, pouring water

لِنُخْرِجَ بِهِ حَبًّا وَنَبَاتًا

15. That We may bring forth thereby grain and vegetation

رَبِّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا الرَّحْمَٰنِ ۖ لَا يَمْلِكُونَ مِنْهُ خِطَابًا

37. [From] the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Most Merciful. They possess not from Him [authority for] speech.

يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الرُّوحُ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ صَفًّا ۖ لَا يَتَكَلَّمُونَ إِلَّا مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ الرَّحْمَٰنُ وَقَالَ صَوَابًا

38. The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct.

ذَٰلِكَ الْيَوْمُ الْحَقُّ ۖ فَمَنْ شَاءَ اتَّخَذَ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِ مَآبًا

39. That is the True Day; so he who wills may take to his Lord a [way of] return.