Found 10 verses by tag "memasuki neraka"

فَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلُوا وَلَنْ تَفْعَلُوا فَاتَّقُوا النَّارَ الَّتِي وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ ۖ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْكَافِرِينَ

24. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

وَإِذَا أُلْقُوا مِنْهَا مَكَانًا ضَيِّقًا مُقَرَّنِينَ دَعَوْا هُنَالِكَ ثُبُورًا

13. And when they are thrown into a narrow place therein bound in chains, they will cry out thereupon for destruction.

لَا تَدْعُوا الْيَوْمَ ثُبُورًا وَاحِدًا وَادْعُوا ثُبُورًا كَثِيرًا

14. [They will be told], "Do not cry this Day for one destruction but cry for much destruction."

فَكُبْكِبُوا فِيهَا هُمْ وَالْغَاوُونَ

94. So they will be overturned into Hellfire, they and the deviators

وَجُنُودُ إِبْلِيسَ أَجْمَعُونَ

95. And the soldiers of Iblees, all together.

ثُمَّ إِنَّ مَرْجِعَهُمْ لَإِلَى الْجَحِيمِ

68. Then indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire.

إِذِ الْأَغْلَالُ فِي أَعْنَاقِهِمْ وَالسَّلَاسِلُ يُسْحَبُونَ

71. When the shackles are around their necks and the chains; they will be dragged

فِي الْحَمِيمِ ثُمَّ فِي النَّارِ يُسْجَرُونَ

72. In boiling water; then in the Fire they will be filled [with flame].

إِذَا أُلْقُوا فِيهَا سَمِعُوا لَهَا شَهِيقًا وَهِيَ تَفُورُ

7. When they are thrown into it, they hear from it a [dreadful] inhaling while it boils up.

خُذُوهُ فَغُلُّوهُ

30. [Allah will say], "Seize him and shackle him.