وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ
45. And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]
فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَكُنْ مِنَ السَّاجِدِينَ
98. So exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord and be of those who prostrate [to Him].
وَجَعَلَنِي مُبَارَكًا أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُ وَأَوْصَانِي بِالصَّلَاةِ وَالزَّكَاةِ مَا دُمْتُ حَيًّا
31. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive
إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي
14. Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.
وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْهِمْ فِعْلَ الْخَيْرَاتِ وَإِقَامَ الصَّلَاةِ وَإِيتَاءَ الزَّكَاةِ ۖ وَكَانُوا لَنَا عَابِدِينَ
73. And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of zakah; and they were worshippers of Us.
الَّذِي يَرَاكَ حِينَ تَقُومُ
218. Who sees you when you arise
وَتَقَلُّبَكَ فِي السَّاجِدِينَ
219. And your movement among those who prostrate.