Surah Al-Anfaal Verse 30

وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ ۚ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ

And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.

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(And when they said: O Allah! If this be indeed the truth from Thee…) [8:32-33]. The Commentators of theQur’an said: “This was revealed about al-Nadr ibn al-Harith who said: ‘[O Allah!] If what Muhammad says istrue, then rain down stones on us’ ”. Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ja‘far informed us> Muhammad ibn ‘AbdAllah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hakam> Muhammad ibn Ya‘qub al-Shaybani> Ahmad ibn al-Nadr ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab> ‘Ubayd Allah ibn Mu‘adh> his father> Shu‘bah> ‘Abd al-Hamid, the companion of al-Ziyadi whoheard Anas ibn Malik saying: “Abu Jahl said: (If this be indeed the truth from Thee, then rain down stoneson us or bring on us some painful doom!) and so this was revealed (But Allah would not punish them whilethou wast with them)”. This was narrated by Bukhari from Ahmad ibn al-Nadr and by Muslim from ‘Abd Allahibn Mu‘adh.

وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَـكِرِينَ

(30. And (remember) when the disbelievers plotted against you to imprison you, or to kill you, or to expel you (from your home, Makkah); they were plotting and Allah too was plotting; and Allah is the best of plotters.)

The Makkans plot to kill the Prophet , imprison Him or expel Him from Makkah

Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid and Qatadah said,

(Liyuthbituka) means "to imprison you.'' As-Suddi said, "Ithbat is to confine or to shackle.'' Imam Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar, the author of Al-Maghazi, reported from `Abdullah bin Abi Najih, from Mujahid, from Ibn `Abbas, "Some of the chiefs of the various tribes of Quraysh gathered in Dar An-Nadwah (their conference area) and Iblis (Shaytan) met them in the shape of an eminent old man. When they saw him, they asked, `Who are you' He said, `An old man from Najd. I heard that you are having a meeting, and I wished to attend your meeting. You will benefit from my opinion and advice.' They said, `Agreed, come in.' He entered with them. Iblis said, `You have to think about this man (Muhammad)! By Allah, he will soon overwhelm you with his matter (religion).' One of them said, `Imprison him, restrained in chains, until he dies just like the poets before him all died, such as Zuhayr and An-Nabighah! Verily, he is a poet like they were.' The old man from Najd, the enemy of Allah, commented, `By Allah! This is not a good idea. His Lord will release him from his prison to his companions, who will liberate him from your hands. They will protect him from you and they might expel you from your land.' They said, `This old man said the truth. Therefore, seek an opinion other than this one.' Another one of them said, `Expel him from your land, so that you are free from his trouble! If he leaves your land, you will not be bothered by what he does or where he goes, as long as he is not among you to bring you troubles, he will be with someone else.' The old man from Najd replied, `By Allah! This is not a good opinion. Have you forgotten his sweet talk and eloquency, as well as, how his speech captures the hearts By Allah! This way, he will collect even more followers among Arabs, who will gather against you and attack you in your own land, expel you and kill your chiefs.' They said, `He has said the truth, by Allah! Therefore, seek an opinion other than this one.' hAbu Jahl, may Allah curse him, spoke next, `By Allah! I have an idea that no one else has suggested yet, and I see no better opinion for you. Choose a strong, socially elevated young man from each tribe, and give each one of them a sharp sword. Then they would all strike Muhammad at the same time with their swords and kill him. Hence, his blood would be shed by all tribes. This way, his tribe, Banu Hashim, would realize that they cannot wage war against all of the Quraysh tribes and would be forced to agree to accept the blood money; we would have brought comfort to ourselves and stopped him from bothering us.' The old man from Najd commented, `By Allah! This man has expressed the best opinion, and I do not support any other opinion.' They quickly ended their meeting and started preparing for the implementation of this plan. Jibril came to the Prophet and commanded him not to sleep in his bed that night and conveyed to him the news of their plot. The Messenger of Allah did not sleep in his house that night, and Allah gave him permission to migrate. After the Messenger migrated to Al-Madinah, Allah revealed to him Suat Al-Anfal reminding him of His favors and the bounties He gave him,

وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَـكِرِينَ

(And (remember) when the disbelievers plotted against you to imprison you, or to kill you, or to expel you (from Makkah); they were plotting and Allah too was plotting; and Allah is the best of plotters.) Allah replied to the pagans' statement that they should await the death of the Prophet , just as the poets before him perished, as they claimed,

أَمْ يَقُولُونَ شَاعِرٌ نَّتَرَبَّصُ بِهِ رَيْبَ الْمَنُونِ

(Or do they say: "He is a poet! We await for him some calamity by time!'') 52:30 As-Suddi narrated a similar story. Muhammad bin Ishaq reported from Muhammad bin Ja`far bin Az-Zubayr, from `Urwah bin Az-Zubayr who commented on Allah's statement,

وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَـكِرِينَ

(...they were plotting and Allah too was plotting, and Allah is the best of plotters.) "I (Allah) plotted against them with My sure planning, and I saved you (O Muhammad) from them.''

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Submit : 2015-04-01 02:13:31
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Mereka bermusyawarah di Darun Nadwah untuk menyikapi Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Muhammad bin Ishaq meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma, bahwa sekelompok orang Quraisy yang terdiri dari para pemuka setiap suku berkumpul memasuki Darun Nadwah, lalu Iblis datang kepada mereka menjelma menjadi orang tua yang disegani. Ketika mereka melihatnya, mereka bertanya, “Siapa kamu?” Iblis menjawab, “Orang tua yang berasal dari Nejd. Saya mendengar kamu sedang berkumpul dan saya senang menghadirinya. Pendapat dan saran saya niscaya tidak menghilangkan (maksud)mu.” Mereka berkata, “Ya, masuklah.” Maka ia pun masuk bersama mereka. Iblis berkata, “Perhatikanlah masalah orang ini! Demi Allah, hampir saja dia memegang urusan kamu dengan perintahnya.” Lalu salah seorang di antara mereka berkata, “Tahanlah ia dengan diikat lalu tunggulah sampai kecelakaan menimpanya sehingga ia binasa sebagaimana para penyair sebelumnya telah binasa, yaitu Zuhair dan Nabighah, dan ia seperti mereka.” Lalu orang tua dari Nejd itu (yakni Iblis) berkata dengan keras, “Demi Allah, pendapat ini tidak tepat. Demi Allah, tentu Tuhannya akan mengeluarkannya dari tahanan dan memberikannya kepada para sahabatnya. Mereka (para sahabat) tentu akan meraihnya dan mengambilnya dari kalian serta akan melindungi Beliau dari kalian. Mungkin saja ia nanti akan mengusirmu dari negerimu.” Mereka berkata, “Orang tua ini betul, cobalah cari pendapat yang lain.” Salah seorang di antara mereka berkata, “Usirlah dia dari tengah-tengah kalian sehingga kalian dapat beristirahat darinya, karena apabila ia keluar, maka perbuatannya tidak akan membahayakan kamu, dan lagi di manakah bahayanya jika ia sudah tidak ada di dekat kalian. Kalian pun dapat beristirahat, dan urusannya bukan kepada kalian lagi.” Orang tua Nejd itu berkata, “Demi Allah, pendapat ini tidak cocok bagi kamu. Tidakkah kamu memperhatikan kata-katanya yang manis dan lancar lisannya, sedangkan ucapannya sebagaimana yang kamu dengar menyentuh hati? Demi Allah, jika kalian melakukannya, lalu ia menawarkan ajarannya kepada orang-orang Arab (lainnya), tentu mereka akan berkumpul (membela)nya dan akan menyerang kamu dan mengusirmu dari negerimu serta membunuh para pemukamu.” Mereka berkata, “Demi Allah, benar sekali. Cobalah cari pendapat selain ini.” Maka Abu Jahal la’natullah ‘alaih berkata, “Demi Allah, aku akan memberimu pendapat yang nampaknya belum pernah kamu pikirkan, dan saya lihat tidak ada lagi pendapat selainnya.” Mereka bertanya, “Apa itu?” Ia berkata, “Kamu ambil seorang pemuda terhormat yang gagah dari setiap suku, lalu setiap pemuda diberikan pedang yang tajam, kemudian mereka sama-sama menusuknya seperti tusukan yang dilakukan seseorang. Jika mereka telah membunuhnya, maka darahnya akan mengena ke semua kabilah, sehingga saya kira suku dari Bani Hasyim ini tidak akan sanggup memerangi orang-orang Quraisy semua, dan mereka setelah melihat kejadian itu akan menerima diat. Kita pun dapat beristirahat dan menyelesaikan bahayanya.” Maka orang tua Nejd itu berkata, “Ini, demi Allah, adalah pendapat yang tepat. Sesuai yang dikatakan pemuda itu (Abu Jahal), dan saya lihat tidak ada yang lain.” Setelah itu mereka pun berpencar dengan menyepakati usulan itu. Jibril pun mendatangi Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, memerintahkannya agar Beliau tidak bermalam di tempat tidur yang biasa Beliau tempati untuk bermalam, dan memberitahukan kepada Beliau tipu daya mereka. Maka Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tidak bermalam di rumahnya pada malam itu, dan Allah telah mengizinkan Beliau keluar (berhijrah). Allah juga menurunkan surat Al Anfal kepada Beliau setelah tiba di Madinah, yang di sana Allah menerangkan nikmat-nikmat-Nya dan ujian dari sisi-Nya, “Dan (ingatlah), ketika orang-orang kafir (Quraisy) memikirkan tipu daya terhadapmu (Muhammad) untuk menangkap dan memenjarakanmu atau membunuhmu, atau mengusirmu. Mereka membuat tipu daya dan Allah menggagalkan tipu daya itu. Allah adalah sebaik-baik pembalas tipu daya.” Sedangkan terhadap ucapan mereka, “Tunggulah sampai kecelakaan menimpanya sehingga ia pun binasa sebagaimana para penyair sebelumnya binasa” turunlah ayat, “Bahkan mereka mengatakan, "Dia (Muhammad) adalah seorang penyair yang kami tunggu-tunggu kecelakaan menimpanya". (Terj. Ath Thuur: 30) dan hari tersebut disebut sebagai hari berdesakan karena mereka berkumpul terhadap suatu pendapat.” (lihat Ibnu HIsyam 1/480-482).

Dengan mengatur urusan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, memberi wahyu tentang apa yang mereka rencanakan terhadap Beliau dan memerintahkan Beliau berhijrah.